It seems today that life is all about how to live longer and look younger. However, what’s the point in living longer and looking younger if you don’t have the vim and vigour to enjoy it. Lucky for us turning back the clock isn’t as complicated as once thought, and no it doesn’t require some magical drug or surgery. Exercise has a powerful impact on both our physical and mental health, so much so that it has been dubbed the fountain of youth. Let’s take a deeper look at how exercise can make us look, feel and live longer.
Healthier Skin
Exercise typically prompts the production of sweat. This is good for our skin because water hydrates the skin and the minerals and salts that are excreted naturally exfoliate which help purge the skin of dirt and impurities. Urea is also excreted through sweat which helps to combat dry skin and dermatitis. The optimal pH factor for the skin is the same as the pH factor of sweat. This helps protect the skin from harmful microbes and damaging free radicals that can speed up the ageing process. Providing you clean your skin soon after training your skin will be left glowing and healthy.
Improved Mental Capacity
As we age the hippocampus which is located in the frontal lobe of our brain begins to shrink. This impacts both memory and cognitive function. Studies suggest that regular aerobic exercise can slow the deterioration of the hippocampus and slow brain ageing by up to 10 years. Furthermore, all forms of exercise promote the health and survival of brain cells and aid the growth of new blood vessels within the brain. This helps us to stay sharp mentally even into our later years.
Stress Relief
Some would say that stress is the antidote to youth. People who manage their stress better or who have “adaptive competence” tend to live longer, happier and more productive lives. Exercise helps us decompress after a stressful situation and gives us a boost of feel good endorphins which can brighten our outlook on life. This limits the negative effect that ageing has on our body from both a physical and mental perspective.
Slows Cell Ageing
Our bodies age at a cellular level. Telomeres, which are the caps on the end of our chromosomes control our cells ageing process. These telomeres get shorter and shorter the older we get so longer telomeres are linked to a longer lifespan. Research now suggests that regular exercise can slow the shortening and even lengthen telomeres keeping our cells healthy, helping us to live longer.
Reduce Injury Risk
As we age our bone density and muscle mass deteriorates. This impacts on posture and flexibility which increases the risk of injury. A combination of aerobic, strength and flexibility training can help your body stay strong and mobile as you age. This helps boost quality of life and limits the risk and impact of suffering an injury later in life.
Boost Metabolism
Metabolism slows naturally as we get older. This can be a result of age related muscle loss, hormonal changes or lifestyle change. Regular exercise helps keep metabolism high by burning calories and maintaining or increasing muscle mass. This makes it easier to maintain a healthy body weight keeping us looking and feeling younger but also helping to minimise the risk of disease and illness.
Exercise can make you look, feel and live longer but it must go hand in hand with some other important factors. If your diet is poor and you choose to engage in poor lifestyle habits like heavy drinking or smoking this will impact your overall health, and ultimately your longevity. Finding balance across all aspects of your lifestyle will give you the best chance at maintaining good physical and mental well-being now and as you age.
xx Tara
Does exercise make you feel more youthful? Looking to start a new exercise routine?